January 24, 2011

My Egg Friend

Impacting another person’s life is often a secret we may never know. But when we do find out that we have touched someone, there is a joy that is hard to put into words. Recently, I contacted a Facebook friend about this Blog. In her response she added, “you have a very special place in my heart since you are the one who initiated my knowledge and relationship with our Father.” I was total shock with these words, for I never knew she considered me in this way. That particularly gray and gloomy day suddenly became bright. It also brought to mind my “Egg Friend”.

Years ago, I decided to take part in a visitation program of my church. I was really nervous as I picked up the card which had my prospect’s personal information. Within a few days I contacted a young gal and went over to meet her at her house, she lived on an Egg Farm. Over the next few months, I only saw this young gal a few times and ever now and then we talked on the phone. I encouraged her to visit church again and one time I took her a Bible when I found out she didn’t have one.

One visit she shared with me that her husband wasn’t a Christian and that they were having a very difficult time in their marriage. My contact with her ended abruptly when I dropped by the farm one morning and she had moved away.  

It would be a few years later that I received an unexpected phone call, it was my “Egg Friend”. She had moved to a different city and she spent the next few minutes filling me in on the changes of their lives. Her husband was now a Christian and they were both growing and serving the Lord. She went on to thank me for the important part I had played in her life.

This call from the past and the recent email from my friend, have taught me that we may never know the impact we have had on someone. If we do find out, its always a surprising and humbling experience, for its seems our efforts were so small...but our God is so Big! I’m purposing now to tell someone how they’ve impacted my life, it’s a secret I expect they don’t know!

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