January 10, 2011

Good Baptists Never Read Prayers

I understand what you are saying Kathi about God teaching you new lessons; I just learned something significant last week. Remember the prayer: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord the soul to keep, If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take”? This was the first prayer I ever learned. Isn’t this a strange prayer for a 5 year old to recite before a restful night's sleep? I don’t know its source, but when I Googled it I found out that the first printed edition was in Boston in 1737.

Since that childhood time, I’ve learned to pray, always from my heart, spontaneously, and always stamping it at the end “In Jesus Name”. This is how all good Baptists learn to pray. In my later years, when I saw on television a significant event where a prominent Pastor or Priest was invited to give the benediction, I smugly reacted to them as I saw them read their prayers, “not very spiritual,” I judged.

Two months ago I started attending a new church near our home. I was so impressed with the superb, thoughtful prayers from our new pastor. One Sunday, I peaked up as he prayed and noticed he was reading it! How could this be from such a spiritual shepherd? Later that week, I was browsing the web and I came upon the most inspiring Blog by Bonnie T. Barry.  I looked at a prayer she had written, it was incredible and my prejudices of written prayers finally dissolved. It was so great I shared it with you and we both agreed that this was a prayer that we could say daily. The name of it is “Give me Grace”, http://www.redbubble.com/people/miracles.

Since that time I’ve purposed that thoughtful writing and reading of prayers is a wonderful spiritual exercise. Below is my first attempt and I hope not my last.

"Good Morning Lord, This is the day you have made, let me rejoice and be glad in it! Today, nothing will come my way that you haven't already given Your approval of and will give me Your Strength to live in freedom. Each event today will have a greater purpose that will either show me more about myself or more about You. I ask for Grace Father, to trust you more, as you grow me to be more like Jesus and that may I yeild to that purpose. I ask for your Wisdom for each decision I will have to make today. May I desire to Love and serve you more today than I did yesterday. Amen"

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