January 8, 2011

Eyelids vs Heart

I have never really thought of myself as being a particularly "vain" person but as the aging process seems to be in "full force"...I'm struggling with a few serious issues, at least from my perspective. It's bad enough that I'm trying to adjust to my hairline that is receding rapidly and that my eyebrows are so sparse they are barely visible because they have relocated to my chin area. My most recent issue that is severely tormenting me is my "droopy eyelids." They feel so incredibly heavy that I have to struggle to keep my eyes open. Being on a fixed income I knew that I could not afford cosmetic surgery so I got online and Googled "droopy eyelids" and was totally amazed that I found a website that sold "Eye Magic." A miracle product that you applied with no surgery involved. I took a quiet moment and in silence I thanked my most awesome "God" for directing me to this website. I waited very impatiently for the next three days until this small envelope containing a miracle, self-adhesive "fix" for my shattered "self-esteem" to arrive in the mail. The elation that I felt when I saw the "Eye Magic" label was indescribable.

I took my prized package quickly into the bathroom and scanned the instructions. This looked like a "piece of cake" to apply...They are actually little moon-shaped strips that you apply a small amount of adhesive to and then gently place in the crease of your eyelid. The very first try, I had it secured onto one eyelid and my reaction was...This is going to be "phenomenally great!" I actually did pretty well the next few days applying them. They were holding up what seemed like tons of excess weight. Even though deep down I secretly sensed that I really needed to have these eyes "circumcised" but these miracle strips were going to do the job for now and I was going to feel a whole lot better about myself and this aging thing.

It was the fourth day of the application when I got a rude awakening. I tried to apply the left strip and something just went terribly awry. The more I tried to properly apply and re-apply the strips, I slowly started to feel a sudden rush of "panic." I looked into the mirror each time I rearranged the strip and each time I looked more and more like and aged old "shar pei".. I tried every which way to adjust and re-adjust but the results were coming up the same. After wasting close to an hour, I felt completely defeated but I knew I had to go grocery shopping. I somehow managed to apply the "eye magic" strips but knew I could not use any type of eye contact with anyone because they would be able to see through my glasses and know that I was a "total and complete fake". It was so obvious that they were on crooked. Who was I trying to fool? Myself, I guess....

I learned a valuable lesson that day. I cried and sobbed all the way home plus I cried myself to sleep. Although I grieved for the "youth" that I lost and longed for, I knew that my Lord and my Savior still loved me and will continue to love me just the way I am, "droopy eyelids" and all. He created me and has a "perfect plan" just for me. I must always remember that "HE" is looking at my "heart" and not my "eyelids."

P.S. When I shared this experience with my wonderful, loving and compassionate daughter, she invited me over for lunch and told me to bring the "Eye Magic" strips with me... She gently and tenderly showed me that I was trying to apply them too high above the eye crease and when she applied them lower, right above my eyeliner....Thank you, "Jesus"...a small miracle had taken place that morning and I was back in the business of trying to grow old gracefully!


  1. Kathi, I loved this ! I know just what you are going through, I am struggling with getting older too. I really don't like it at all !!! But, as my Honey says it is better than the alternative, and I can't argue with that. I would like to, but I guess there is really no arguing with it. It is something that is going to happen, if we are lucky. I talked to my Older brother and he came up with a good one about getting older. The wrinkles (in my case , and droopy in yours ) They are the rewards of us getting older. I just wish I did not have so many rewards ! I put anonymous on here cause I did not have any of the accounts listed. But you know me well, we share Grandkids.... Love ya and keep writting this blog !

  2. Thanks so much for your caring, honest comment, Anonymous! I do know you well and I appreciate your thoughts. I actually was ashamed and humbled about two weeks after I wrote this blog. I was at Ethan's basketball game and right in front of me on the bleachers sat a very proud grandmother who was taking lots of pictures of her grandson on the team. She was wearing a red beanie hat at the start of the game. About the end of the first quarter, she took off her hat and I was not quite prepared for what I saw. She was totally bald from chemotherapy with large scars on her skull from her operation. As I choked back the tears that were welling inside of me, I realized why God had put her right in front of me. I was taught a invaluable lesson that day and I have not applied one eye strip since then...Love & Hugs Vicki, Always!
