July 27, 2011

Mister- The Perfect Dog

Dear Little Sis, did I ever tell you about the time God gave me the "Perfect Dog"? It all began one day after a long time feeling that something was missing in my life...

"Do you mean it"?, I responded with a shocked and delighted expression on my face. I couldn't believe my husband finally said yes to having a small house dog. We had been Chocolate Lab Breeders for over 20 years and when our last male died unexpectedly, we decided to hang up our kennels boots and remain pet-free. After of couple of years, I was missing the warm fuzzy feeling when a canine friend lovingly gazes into your eyes. My life didn't seem complete. Our chocolate labs were working dogs, bred for hunting ducks and upland game, and always lived outside in a kennel. Having a dog inside the house was something that my husband never wanted, but now his heart was open to meeting my longings and wants and completing this missing part of my life, so out of the blue he announced that he would agree to have an inside dog. Now our life would be complete.

I decided that a Miniature Schnauzer would be the dog for us. My daughter had owned one years ago and I always admired their size, temperment and intellience. Early one morning we got a phone call from our son-in-law. He had heard about our interest in a dog from our grandchildren and he knew of an 7-year old dog that someone was getting rid off. I couldn't believe the timing of this call, just days after my husband had agreed to get a dog. Surely, God was opening a doggie door!

But, after a day's consideration, I decided that I didn't want such an old dog, over half of his life would be gone.  Shortly after this decision, my husband came home one afternoon and said he saw a Miniature Schnauzer down the street. We jumped into the car and at the owner's door we told him of the Mission we were on. He showed us his cute dog, although it looked a lot smaller than my daughter's dog. He told us of the breeder who actually lived in our small town. Again, I was thrilled as I sensed God was leading us the way. We called the breeder and made an appointment to come over that evening to look at a litter of pups.

When we drove up to the property, I could hear the barking of puppies and my anticipation grew. When we went into the backyard, 8 pairs of little eyes greeted us. They were really cute! I was a little taken back when the breeder told us that they were $600 a piece! That was twice a much as we had sold our Labs for one-tenth of the dog. I reflected that I shouldn't let money come in between me and happiness, so I asked her if we could see the parents. We walked to a different area of the property and were confronted with 2 of the smallest, mangiest, dirtiest, and ungroomed Schnauzers I had ever seen. I couldn't consider purchasing a puppy, especially at that price from someone who kept their animals in such shoddy condition. I heard the "doggie door" loudly slam shut.

I went home discouraged. I was confused but not undaunted. It was now late in the evening and I got on the Internet and began a search for Miniture Schnauzer breeders. I couldn't believe that I found an outstanding breeder within an hour of our home. I immediately called and talked to Donna who informed me that she did indeed had puppies, but they were show quality and sold for $1500. But she did have adults dogs, who she had retired from the show ring and would sale them only $300! She sent me a picture, I couldn't believe my eyes, here was my perfect dog, Mister.

The next day we met Mister and took him for a walk. He was as amazing as his picture. I couldn't believe she was selling him. She recommended that we take him for the weekend before purchasing. She also told us if we bought him she would retain his breeding rights, for he was considered about a $10,000 animal! I couldn't imajine why I would need any time to consider buying him for God had brought me the Perfect Dog, right?

We did as she suggested and Mister became part of our family for the weekend. We went to Petco and purchased all the needed items for our new dog. He had special food, which we got from the breeder with instructions on how to cook it.  My husband was wonderful. He purchased all the needed items,and when we got home, he helped me take Mister out when needed and even got up early to take him out before I got up.

By the 2nd day with Mister, a strange feeling came over me that I couldn't identify. By that evening my husband noticed that I didn't seem very happy. Mister was certainly perfect in every way, no running in the house, barking, and beautiful. We walked him, cooked his specially prepared food, took him outside when needed, and our life soon revolved around him. 

That evening I decided to take Mister out before bedtime. In the dark, I suddenly lost site of him, his gray color blending into the night. Where did he go? I called and called and then ran into the house and yelled at my husband to join my search. After only a more few minutes that seemed like a week, Mister trotted along side of us in the dark. I was shaken when I thought about the phone call I would have had to make to Donna, "I'm sorry, I just lost your $10,000 dog"!

The last day of our weekend trial was here and my anxiety was unmistakable. When we started to discuss going the next day to purchase Mister, I burst into tears and said to my husband "I don't want Mister"! I wish I could explain the look of disbelief on his face, he beyond shocked at what he was hearing. "I feel like I've just had a baby, with all the care, cooking, money, and concern."  After raising 4 children at a young age, the memory of all that responsibility had never left me. But I felt like God had given me the Perfect Dog and I was throwing it back at Him. What kind of a Child of God was I to refuse this perfect gift? In the morning, I was ready for Mister to go home. I asked my husband to take him back to Donna's, I couldn't face her.

While he was gone, I thought about all the doors that had opened and shut again. But why would I have gotton this Perfect Dog only to return him? What was God showing me? I then considered that if I had a typical imperfect dog, I would have blamed these characteristics on why I was unhappy with him. But I had been given the Perfect Dog. There was only one glaring reason why I didn't want him, and after taking an inventory of my heart, I came to the conclusion, I was already content! My life was already complete with my semi-retired life with a husband who had recently made me his priority. I no longer felt that it would take a dog to make me happy! It just took Mister, the Perfect Dog to show me!

Philippians 4:11 "I am not saying this because I am in any need, for I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in"

1 comment:

  1. Big Sis,
    I absolutely loved this post on "Mister"..it was so heartwarming and honest. I certainly can relate with my "pricey" (cost more than my sofa) full-blooded Maltese who requires a great deal of time, attention and grooming but he has been an excellent companion through my "grieving" years...

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of the most "Perfect Dog"....

    Lv, Hugs & Blessings,
    Little Sis
