April 11, 2011

God is Bigger Than the Boogie Man!

"Grandma, leave the light on, I’m scared!" It wasn’t the first time Gavin had asked me to leave the hall light on while he was staying at my house in what I refer to as the “grandkids room”. Full of cars, dolls, tea sets, and a trundle bed, I thought I had provided everything to make this 3 year old comfortable. I asked him if he would like me to read to him, I thought it might help soothe his little heart. I rummaged through the bookshelf and found “God is Bigger than the Boogey Man” a really cute Veggie Tales story. I read it through it and smiles replaced his tears. In the middle of the story, the book's character Junior remembers a song that helped him when he was afraid so he sings it::

“Cuz God is Bigger than the Boogie Man!
He’s Bigger than Godzilla,
Or the monsters on TV!
Oh, God is Bigger than the Boogie Man!
And He’s Watchin Out for You and Me!

After I sang the song in the book and finished reading the rest of the story, I left the light on and it wasn’t long before Gavin was fast asleep.

A couple of weeks ago, I found my heart filled with fear. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Nuclear Meltdown, Radiation Threats…does it get any scarier than that? I was overwhelmed with the destruction and the pain of others. The news of the situation was constant and there didn’t seem to be any relief or solution. Threats of the huge nuclear reactor melting down grabbed the airwaves and spurting deadly radiation into the atmosphere and the situation remains serious to this day.

As my heart was stirring with fear, a tune came to my mind and I started singing it to myself, “God is Bigger than the Boggey Man...”. I then pictured in my mind the ominous nuclear reactor that I had seen on TV that no man couldn’t control, like a huge Boogie Man….but God was greater!
“Cuz God is Bigger than the Boogie Man!
He’s Bigger than Godzilla,
Or the monsters on TV!
Oh, God is Bigger than the Boogie Man!
And He’s Watchin Out for You and Me!

A smile came over me, peace in my heart replaced anxiety, and sweet sleep brought me to the next day. What Boogie Man is in your life right now?...sing along with me.

1 comment:

  1. Big Sis, thank you so much for addressing not only a child's fear but grown-up fears as well. You couldn't be more right about the overwhelming situation in Japan and I have been learning the chorus to that song ever since you posted it. It's so very comforting knowing that God is Greater and will protect us from all of our fears! Awesome blog!! Little Sis
